I created an Excel spreadsheet called Graph of the Day when I was teaching 4th grade self-contained.  Students went to the computer and responded to a question first thing every morning.  By week 5 (as required by our pacing guide), I had tons of real data gathered from my students which was perfect for meeting the math objectives:
4.01 Collect, organize, analyze, and display data (including line graphs and bar graphs) to solve problems. TLW Define the following terms: chart, tally, table, Venn diagram, circle graph, pictograph, line plot, bar graph, double bar graph, line graph, trend, continuous data, numerical data, categorical data, columns, rows, x-axis, y-axis, vertical, horizontal, intervals, range of data, and scale. TLW Recognize charts, tallies, tables, diagrams, and graphs. TLW Explain the purpose of charts, tallies, tables, diagrams, and graphs. TLW Explain orally and in written form the advantages and disadvantages of each varying type of graph (bar, line, pictograph, and circle graph). TLW Conduct a survey to collect data. TLW Collect data from surveys, research, and classroom experiments by using charts, tables, and graphs. TLW Organize data from surveys, research, and classroom experiments by using charts, tables, and graphs. TLW Choose the most appropriate graph to display a set of data. TLW Display data from surveys, research, and classroom experiments by using charts, tables, and graphs. TLW Interpret information orally and in writing, using charts, tables, tallies, and graphs. 
At the request of my colleagues on ProTeacher, I have posted it here for download.  I hope you will find it useful.

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6/27/2009 10:18:45 pm

This is wonderful. I can't wait to start using this. Thanks so much for sharing!

6/28/2009 05:48:44 am

You bet Sophie! Glad to be able to share resources with others.


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    Heather Kaiser

    I have been teaching in CCS for 12 years.  I am a facilitator of mentor training, raising the bar: infusing rigor into your lessons,  and quality tools.


    July 2009
    June 2009